Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant is one of several own brand weight loss products available to buy from Superdrug.
Although Boots has its own research and development facilities, Superdrug does not, so we were forced to wonder about the origin of the product.
We did some research and discovered the formulation of ingredients used in Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant is a perfect match for the one used in a popular European appetite suppressant, called Obesimed, that’s manufactured in the Netherlands by PK Benelux BV.
The company specializes in producing white label products, so Superdrug’s own brand appetite suppressant is far from being unique.
CLAIMS: To aid appetite suppression and increase the metabolic rate.
POSITIVES: Respected company, some good ingredients.
NEGATIVES: Not a unique product, others preferred
SUMMARY: Although Slenderplan is cheap, we feel that there are other appetite reducing supplements that can give you better weight loss results.
Not Recommended
The current market leader is arguably PhenQ – a combination fat burner, fat blocker and appetite suppressant that is best seller in the UK, USA and Australia
Content Table
Superdrug Slenderplan Promised Benefits
- Makes the stomach feel full
- Assists weight loss
- Helps prevent weight gain
How Does Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant Work
When the stomach feels full it relays a signal to the brain that causes it to turn off the desire to eat.
Bearing this in mind, Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant should have value as a weight management aid. If people who use it feel their stomach is full they should be able to eat less food without feeling hungry.
Less food will mean less calories and, if the level of calories consumed drops too low, the body will have to compensate for the resulting energy loss by starting to burn its stores of fat.
However, people who are extremely overweight will have become so used to eating large quantities of food their stomach volume may be greater than that of people whose level of overindulgence is less extreme.
A larger volume stomach is harder to fill than a smaller volume stomach, so the appetite suppressing ability of this product may vary from person to person.
Active Ingredients
No inclusion rates are provided, but the capsules contain:
- OMTEC 19: A proprietary blend. Superdrug fail to provide any information about the origin or function of OMTEC 19, but the Obesimed marketing material states it’s a fibre based ingredient that’s capable of absorbing large quantities of water and filling the stomach.
- Oleum Helianthus: Sunflower oil. It’s a good source of Vitamin E, and is known to offer a number of health benefits, but there is no link between sunflower oil and the appetite.
- Amylum Solani: A patented potato starch developed in the laboratories at DFE Pharma. It’s probably been added here to smooth the capsule disintegration process.
- Hypromelllose (E464): A semi synthetic polymer that’s added to oral mediation to help control the ingredient delivery rate.
- Titanium Dioxide (E171): A popular colour-providing ingredient.
How to use
Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant is designed to be used alongside a calorie controlled diet, using a cycle of 30 days on and 4 days off. Two capsules should be taken with two large glasses of water, three times per day, 60 minutes before eating a meal. The capsules should always be swallowed whole and Superdrug suggest the product be used alongside a vitamin and mineral supplement
Superdrug Slenderplan Customer Testimonials
The bad thing about these pills is they stink and have a habit of repeating on you. The good thing about them is they are wonderful for taking your appetite away. I’m using them with diet and exercise and managing to drop 2-3 pound a week.
Not a nice product. All it does is leave a bad taste in your mouth. Doesn’t do anything to make your hunger go away
This is a good diet pill. I’ve already lost 6lbs and there have been no side effects at all.
I’m trying really hard to cut back on my food but I don’t like to feel hungry and always give in to temptation. I thought these pills would help, but they don’t.
Side Effects and Other Considerations
No side effects have been reported, but the lack of information about the main ingredient is worrying.
Potential users are advised to play it safe and avoid using this product without the prior approval of their GP or another suitably qualified medical professional.
Superdrug Slenderplan Purchasing Options
You can buy Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant in-store and online from Superdrug.
There are 60 capsules to a pack and the price per pack is £12.99.
That makes this a pretty cheap appetite suppressant to buy, but potential customers need to bear in mind the fact that a pack only lasts for 10 days.
A money back guarantee is promised, but it’s duration is not specified.
In Summary
This is somewhat of a hit and miss product that appears to help some people to eat less, but does nothing to curb the appetite of others.
If the product provided dieters with help in other ways, it may still have value as a weight loss aid, but it does not.
One of the most popular and effective appetite suppressants available at the present time is called PhenQ and, unlike Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant, its designed to offer dieters support in all the areas they need instead of just one (appetite suppression).
PhenQ helps people to lose weight by increasing calorie expenditure, blocking fat production, improving mood and energy levels, and curbing hunger too.
Bearing in mind the limited information available about the main ingredient used in Superdrug Slenderplan Appetite Suppressant, and its failure to help curb the appetite of some users, we cannot recommend it as an approved way to lose weight.
But we do recommend PhenQ.
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