Weight loss can be achieved by combining 3 proven approaches. Adopting a healthier diet, becoming more active through exercise and using a (natural) weight loss supplements wisely.

When you are trying to modify your diet and make changes for the better hunger can sometimes seem like an uncontrollable monster that only exists to see you fail.
Inability to get to grips with hunger is one of the main reasons so many diets go wrong, but there are ways to make sure the monster does not win.
Certain foods have the ability to keep hunger at bay
There are also appetite suppressing supplements that can provide additional hunger control and help you become the weight loss winner you want to be. [source]
However, before going any further it may be advantageous to take a closer look at the monster within. There are certain foods that are tongue ticklers and virtually impossible to resist.
See it for what it really is, and discover what makes it tick.
Inside information is always useful when preparing a battle plan.
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The Hormones That Feed Your Hunger and Make It Strong
Although it does not always seem that way, hunger is not really a bad thing.
It’s your body’s way of telling you it’s time to refuel.
It comes into play when the brain senses certain changes in hormone levels in the blood.
The main hunger hormone is called ghrelin and when the stomach is crying out for food, ghrelin levels increase to send out a signal and let the brain know.
Once the brain hears the call the hunger pangs begin. Normally this is not a problem, but for anyone who is making a conscious effort to eat less it can be torture.
Although ghrelin is the main culprit, certain other hormones, such as cortisol and insulin, are capable of feeding your hunger as well.
It’s also worth noting the fact that research suggests women have stronger hunger urges than men.
So, hunger occurs when the brain responds to hormonal changes in the body.
That’s the secret out of the closet. The next thing to do is to take a look at some ways of controlling the monster within.
The term “fat burner” is used to define supplements and foods that encourage the body to burn fat.
The average person using a fat burner is probably doing so in an effort to lose weight.
Weight Loss Supplements
Fat Burners – Fat Burning Supplements
Athletes, models, and celebrities who are not overweight may use fat burners due to a desire to have better muscle definition and a leaner-looking physique.
LeanBean fat burner is one of the leading supplements for women – find out more on LeanBean
How Fat Burners Work
Most fat burners contain compounds that speed up the metabolism.
These compounds may also initiate a process called thermogenic fat burning. Either one of these abilities will cause the body to use up calories faster and compounds that do both may pack twice the power.
The Role of Calories Within the Body
“Calories” is a popular word in health and fitness circles, but many people do not know what a calorie is
Due to this they fail to grasp the real importance of calories and embark on quests to lose weight or improve their physique with only the vaguest idea of how their calorie intake may be working for or against them.
They know too many calories is a bad thing and that’s about it. Fortunately, the subject of calories and the role they play within the body is not overly difficult to explain.
A calorie is a unit of energy. In the case of domestic electricity, energy is normally measured in amps, watts, and volts. Energy intake and expenditure in the body is measured in calories, though kilojoules are also sometimes used, to a lesser extent.
The body is a biological machine that is fuelled by the energy it extracts from food. It continues burning its fuel 24 hours per day and when it has more fuel than it needs it stores it as fat.
The amount of fuel the body receives, expends, and stores is measured in calories.
When the body does not get enough food to give it the required amount of energy it starts “burning” its fat to release the calories it contains. The speed at which the body burns calories is governed by the metabolism.
A Special Note on Themrogenic Fat Burners
One of the most striking differences between a living body and dead body is the temperature. Living flesh is warm. Dead flesh is not. This is because the machine has stopped functioning.
Have you ever noticed how computers, televisions, and other appliances get warm during use?
This is due to heat being released as a byproduct to all the processes that are being carried out within, and domestic products that produce less heat during use are often sold on the virtue that they are more energy efficient.
All the processes that are ongoing within the body 24 hours per day produce heat in a similar way.
All that heat is energy being lost from the body into the atmosphere.
That’s why crowded rooms can become so warm.
The amount of energy that is lost this way is also measured in calories.
When people exercise or do other forms of intense physical activity they “work up a sweat” and begin losing extra energy from their bodies in the form of heat.
This process is known as thermogenesis. Certain compounds, such as the capsaicin provided by chili peppers and the catechins in green tea, have the ability to trigger a slight rise in the body’s core temperature, causing a greater amount of energy to be lost from the body as heat.
Compounds that have the ability to do this are known as thermogenic fat burners and they have the potential to help the body waste extra calories 24 hours per day, even while sleeping.
Why Fat Burners Fail
The truth of the matter is, genuine fat burners never fail. Diets fail and they fail because causing the body to expend more calories is not enough on its own.
The fact that the body has started burning more calories will not help it to reduce its levels of stored fat if you continue to give it far more calories than it needs.
Your body will continue to store all those extra calories and your levels of body fat will increase.
The average man only needs 2,500 calories per day and the average woman needs just 2,000 calories per day.
This is the amount of calories they will need to power normal function. To lose weight they will need to ensure their diet provides less calories than they need.
If the average man only gets 2,000 calories per day instead of 2,500 he will lose weight.
If he makes no changes to his diet or normal level of physical activity and continues to eat 2,500 calories per day, in conjunction with a good fat burner, he will also lose weight because the extra calories he is losing due to a faster metabolism and /or thermogenic fat burning will mean 2,500 calories is no longer sufficient to power normal function and his body have to start burning fat.
If he then reduces the amount of food he is eating he will burn more fat. Increasing his level of physical activity will create a further calorie drain and the results will become even more dramatic.
No fat burner will make your fat vanish. Only your body can do that and it won’t be able to do so unless you make the necessary changes and the most important change of all will need to be your diet.
For example, a portion of chicken korma curry provides around 800 calories and contains 50g of fat. That’s a lot of energy. Much more than your body is going to need in a single sitting.
Donner kebabs are even worse. A single kebab may provide 1,000-2,000 calories and 30-65g of fat. For a woman, that one kebab may provide all the energy she needs for the day and the energy provided by anything else she eats will need to be stored as fat.
Fast foods are always bad, but many foods that you may have at home and may even think of as healthy options can have an unusually high calorie count.
Granola is a good example. A 100g serving can provide a whopping 471 calories and that’s without adding any milk or sugar.
So, if you are serious about burning your fat, you will need to work with your fat burner instead of against it, take a serious look at what you are eating each day, and make the necessary changes.
Keeping a food journal may help you to do this and you could be surprised at the discoveries you will make. There’s nothing like seeing things presented in black and white.
Natural Ways to Control Hunger
There are a lot of natural ways to silence all that growling in the stomach.
Keeping active is one of them. Although people often talk about “working up an appetite” while indulging in intense physical activity, the hunger people attribute to increased activity is likely to be the result of something else.
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest exercise is more likely to fight hunger than feed it.
The data collected from one study, conducted in the UK at Loughborough University and involving 12 healthy male test subjects, showed acute bouts of endurance exercise was effective for lowering “appetite perceptions”.
The results of another study, conducted by the same team, showed comparable results from female volunteers.
The researchers believe the hunger suppressing effect of exercise may be because physical activity limits ghrelin circulation by reducing blood flow to the stomach.
Eating oats and other high fiber foods can also be effective for suppressing hunger because such foods are more filling than many other food options.
This is due to the fact they take longer to digest, help keep the stomach feeling full for longer.
There are many other ways to naturally suppress your appetite, but if have unusually powerful hunger urges you may need some extra help.
Appetite Suppressing Pills
There are two kinds of appetite suppressing pill. The first type contains drugs and requires a prescription.
The second type is powered by natural ingredients and can be purchased over-the-counter and online.
All the good appetite suppressing diet pills that are available to buy over the counter are intended to offer long-term support.
This is due to the fact that they are powered by plant extracts and other natural ingredients, the chances of side effects are very slim.
Two of the best natural appetite suppressing ingredients are nopal and glucomannan.
The first is taken from a species of cactus, the second from the roots of a plant.
Presuming an adequate inclusion rate, diet pills that contain either one should provide very good results.
There are also appetite suppressing injections and surgical procedures, but such measures are unnecessary and extreme. They are also very unpleasant.
All of the methods mentioned on this page can be equally good for controlling hunger.
Actions like eating extra fiber and getting more exercise offer additional health benefits.
So do many of the natural ingredients used in appetite suppressing pills.
Another genre of weight loss supplement is the fat blocker and fat binder.
Fat Blockers and Fat Binders
There is a lot of confusion about the difference between fat blockers and fat binders.
This is not surprising because they both serve the same function.
However, the simple truth is, fat binders are fat blockers.
The only difference between these and other types of fat blocker is the way the desired results are achieved.
So, to put things into better perspective and simplify things further, fat blockers are ingredients and products that offer a specific benefit (fat blocking).
Whereas fat binders are ingredients and products that belong to this class.
Fat blockers are intended for people who want to lose weight.
They also need something to help them lower the amount of calories they obtain from dietary fat.
A typical fat blocking supplement usually blocks the absorption of around 30% of all fat consumed.
It is this ability makes fat blockers more open to abuse than any other form of weight management aid on the market.
Many people who buy fat blockers do so with the intention of taking them just before eating and then consuming large portions of high-fat food.
This is classic cheat pill mentality.
Some supplement manufacturers are happy to encourage this kind of wrong thinking.
This is an effort to cash in on people’s failings and generate extra revenue.
How Fat Blockers Work
Blocking fat absorption is a good way to reduce the daily calorie intake.
Each gram of fat that is digested would normally provide nine calories.
That’s more than double the amount of calories delivered by the same quantity of protein or carbohydrate.
That moment on the lips can very easily become a lifetime on the hips when too much fat is consumed too often.
So where does all that blocked fat go?
Straight through the body and out the other end.
In a way, fat blockers could almost be seen to offer a way for dieters to flush their problems away.
However, nothing is perfect.
All that extra fat in the intestines causes the body’s waste matter to be greasier and softer than normal
People who try to abuse the system by downing fat blockers followed by high-fat meals may get a nasty surprise
All the extra fat that is blocked can cause sudden attacks of diarrhea.
A Look at Some Popular Fat Blockers
Most fat blockers work by binding fat.
Once consumed, fat blockers targets and weakens the digestive enzyme responsible for breaking down dietary fat.
It’s called lipase and weakening it does not interfere with protein and carbohydrate digestion because each nutrient has its own digestive enzyme.
Fat binders leave lipase alone and let it get on with its job.
Their value comes from the fact that they are impervious to all the human digestive enzymes.
They have the ability to “bind” with the fat they encounter inside the digestive organs and make it impervious to digestion as well.
The two most popular fat binding ingredients are nopal and chitosan. They are also the most powerful.
Most fat blocking pills that are available to buy over the counter contain one or the other.
Nopal is a natural fiber obtained from the flesh of a species of cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica).
It cannot be obtained from any other sources and apart from being a proven fat blocker nopal also helps regulate blood sugar levels.
It also has antiviral capabilities, and even offers potential as a natural treatment for enlarged prostate gland.
Chitosan is a compound that can be obtained from certain species of fungus or extracted from the exoskeletons of shrimps, crabs, and other marine-living crustaceans.
The fungal form is the most powerful, but most diet pills that contain chitosan use the other form.
This makes them totally unsuitable for people who are allergic to seafood and for most types of vegetarian.
Some Considerations to Bear In Mind Before Using Fat Blockers
Apart from oilier feces and the risk of explosive diarrhea when misused, most fat blocking products are unlikely to present too many problems.
It’s possible someone using chitosan may discover they have a seafood allergy they were unaware of.
The main problem with fat blockers of all types is their use may cause nutritional inadequacies.
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble.
That means the body can only obtain them from fat and, by reducing fat absorption in the way that they do, fat blockers may also reduce vitamin absorption.
Fat-soluble vitamins are necessary to support good health, so this is a highly undesirable situation.
It’s a situation that can be easily resolved by using supplements that can provide the body with the vitamins it needs.
The supplements will need to be taken a number of hours before or after the fat blocker.